50 Days: Alone Together shares young peoples' experience of lockdown life alone and online.

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We all have our own experiences of lockdown. Bizarrely, it was both a deeply personal, individual experience as well as being a communal one. We all went through it. Peer Productions have taken this contradiction as the starting point for a powerful six-part drama, now available on Prospero.

Created by ten young people during lockdown, it is an improvised interactive drama that exposes many of the fault lines so many must have experienced and perhaps still are.

Here, Peer Productions’ Nina Lemon discusses the development of 50 Days: Alone Together and its potential use in classrooms, particularly as a resource for PSHE.

It is an important new use for Prospero. Rather than using the platform as a way to teach theatre, it uses Prospero as a way of telling interactive dramas in their own right. There are subtitled versions too.

To find out how Prospero can help you bring drama to life in new, digital ways contact us.

You can stream 50 Days: Alone Together for free from the Prospero Library, where you can find a wealth of other free resources for drama and learning. Check the guidance before sharing with students.

BlogPaul Sutton