Prospero Academy

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COVID-19 Continuity Plan

As novel coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnoses continue to increase around the world, C&T is committed to keeping our audiences, participants and staff safe, as well as maintaining our online services to our stakeholders, customers and partners. We are implementing measures to sustain safety and business continuity.


Prospero is our cloud-based software service. We anticipate no impact to this service and have confidence in our ability to keep the platform running and expanding, with no interruption.

In recent days we have seen increased demand for Prospero, reflecting a global movement towards transferring learning online.  We shall support the work of fellow artists and educators and will add more content and smartscripts to Prospero to enrich learning online. We welcome offers to collaborate in this effort. We recognise we are well placed to make a difference and will do our utmost to respond to the challenge of this time.

We encourage arts organisations, schools and universities to contact us directly if they would like to find ways of deploying Prospero to maintain their arts, cultural and education programmes.

 C&T schools and community programmes

For our direct work with children, people and communities, to ensure maximum safety, we have postponed all activities until a time it is safe to resume them. This is particularly important for some of the most vulnerable people we work with. Safety comes before creativity. 

 In our approach to our work we are currently taking the following additional measures:

As Prospero is a cloud-based software service, we are well prepared to manage business continuity virtually.

We are no longer holding meetings at our offices.

If you want contact us, in the first instance please use email or the contact forms on our sites. We will get back to you as a priority.

Staff are working remotely.

We have ensured that our team members have whatever they need to work remotely and to continue doing their jobs securely. Our team keeps in constant touch.

We have cancelled all but essential travel.

We have shared best practice health tips with our team and continue to keep them updated on a daily basis.

We will continue to meticulously monitor news from the World Health Organization, among other sources and guidelines, and are committed to reassessing the situation and adjust our plans accordingly.

We thank Arts Council England for their unwavering support for C&T, Prospero and the arts and cultural sector at this time.

We wish you all good health and thank you for continuing to place your trust in us. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or inquiries.


Dr Paul Sutton, Artistic Director, C&T and Prospero

Updated 17 March 2020